Friday, April 4, 2008

Had Alan Schwartz played Liar's Poker

As Brumaire18 earlier showed how the Gang of 4 killed Bear Stearns, poor Alan Schwartz Bear's beleagued CEO caved into blackmail, in the extreme hope his 14.000 employees won't be left selling apples on street corners when JP Morgan's Jaime Dimon radically changed the terms of a us$25bn loan...from 28 days to 24 hours. Had Schwartz told Dimon to shove it royally up his arse, what would the Gang of 4 done? They would've rescued Bear Stearns without blinking, for the very simple reason were Bear to fail, it would bring down Wall Street. Oh were Schwartz a practioneer of Liar's Poker, for then he and his bank would be still in business instead of being raped by a JP Morgan takeover. Nice work anal hairstylist Hank Paulson!

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