Monday, April 7, 2008

New Zealand signs an FTA pact with China

New Zealand is the first first world economy to sign a Free Trade Agreement [FTA] with China. The FTA will banish import fess to the Greek kalends. China has fuelled unprecedent growth of Austral Asia, it goes without saying. A rising but limited middle class in Mao's kingdom and its growing power of the purse have boosted the quality of New Zealand's citizen's lives. Wellington is also encouraging emigration of Chinese to its shores to fill jobs that go begging in an economy with about 3 per cent unemployment. Some may say, it is allowing the Chinese Trojan horse to enter its wall, since Chinese immigration will remain fiercely loyal to Beijing and not to New Zealand. But that's another story. What is significant is that the once mighty and proud White industrial nations in Austral Asia has now fallen into China's sphere of influence, and so like the older states of east Asia and southeast Asia, it will pay the price the imperial court will exact. An annual tribute and kowtowing 8 or 9 times at the feet of the Communist government in Beijing.

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