Friday, October 3, 2008

Wells Fargo foils anal hair stylist & self styled il Duce of the US Treasury's plans

Today [3 Oct 2008] Wells Fargo gave the royal finger to anal hair sytlist supremo & self styled il Duce of the treasury & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson lately of Goldman Sachs. The Minneapolis bank offered us$7 a share for Wachovia. Previous il Signor Paulson playing his game of rewarding his friends and killing his enemies [vide Lehman & Bear Stearns] had offered Wachovia to Citibank with US rate or taxpayer largesse to cushion greedy and wobbly banks. Citi could and choose what it wants from Wachovia and throw aside like chicken bones the parts it didn't want. Namely, Citi's mouth watered at picking up Wachovia's commerical banking units at fire sale rates, which is the tattoo pattern of il Signor Paulson's. Well, surprise, surprise, surpise, Wachovia made a bid for Wachovia in tot for us$14bn at least, and without public financing. So there il Duce trying once again to flim flam the rate or taxpayer for the comfort and ease of his plutocratic friends! Citi is not taking this lightly nor is the anal hair stylist supremo of the coupon clipping classes. What all this goes to show is one, there is liquidity out there--look at Buffet flating Goldman Sachs and GE--but the moguls of finance won't wave the flag to save free market capitalism from itself. So il Duce of finance along with his unindicted co conspirate the bathroom attendant US Fed head Ben Bernanke is panicking and not without cause with a dodgey bailout plan which rewards people like Paulson who helped devise and enriched himself in the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme [18Brumaire readers look at JK Galbraith's 'The big crash 1929', the chapter on Goldman Sachs we trust, to see how the leopard hasn't changed its spots!], and who is the fox in the people's hen house, ready, willing, and eager to plunder the American working people, for his lazy, blood sucking class of the rich and super rich, and the sycophantic corporate America! So bravo Wells Fargo. Paulson has proven himself incapable and an il Duce without clothes. His old magic is gone. Throw the bum in prison and then throw the key away. He's none of the sekhel [Yiddish] that a Warren Buffet has in his little finger.

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