Monday, October 20, 2008

Self styled il Duce of finance swallows dollops of Keynes hard!

When you thought self styled il Duce of Finance Hank Paulson & his acolyte, scholar, student of the krash of 1929 & US Fed Chief Ben Bernanke had emptied of Milton Friedman bag of tricks, the ghost of plenty past John Maynard Lord Keynes has spooked them into to embracing a weak Keynesian solution to the never ending economic crisis.
Yep, in an age of Herr Bush’s gross, misused and misdirected government spending, his two little elves at the Treasury & the Fed see a way out of the crisis by more and better government spending. What does this imply? Infrastructure, job creation, expanded monies for food, etc. 18Brumaire says ‘imply’, because with this band of skinflints for those who are not wealthy, we’re never sure that they wouldn’t try to throw more sand in the public’s eye! Like it or not il Signor Paulson & his mate Bernanke will have to back peddle on the sacred waters of free trade capitalism. But they will resist every push of the peddle to steer the economic ship towards neo Keynesian. Happily, time is running out for them, and soon they will be pounding the pavements for work. Let’s hope, no one will pick up this pair of loosers.

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