Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Anal hair stylist & il Duce of finance Paulson's lapdog Kashkari rewards the failed bankers who brought you the subprime mess

The public knows little of Neel Kashkari. Briefly, a native of Ohio, an aeronautical engineer, a recent MBA who went to work for Goldman Sachs. There he caught the eye of il Signor Paulson self styled il Duce of finance, who took him to Washington when he ascended to the US Treasury. Now, Kashkari is the lapdog of anal hair stylist Paulson; he will do the bidding of his master. Look at whom Kashkari spoke to when he became the guy who was going to distribute the us$700bn bailout, you ask. Well, to the American Enterprise Institute, the gang of neoconservatives who believe firmly that government has the god given purpose of rewarding the rich who are absolved from any responsibility and who if we didn't know helped design the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme, chief culprit of which is il Signor Paulson himself. Well, we all know that everyone's talking about liquidity, so you've to wonder why Kashkari ain't pumping up at his us$700bn motor gasoline station the banks with cash to lend to one another. Good question. Well, he's spreading the rate or taxpayers manure first and foremost as outsourcing to the very bankers who helped create the subprime meltdown. And if we know anything from past history, outsourcing will fill deep, greedy pockets of the people who triggered the world financial crisis in the first place. Two, why is Kashkari the puppet of anal hair stylist Paulson waiting for the day after the election to disperse funds to the banks? Another good question which any child can answer. So Herr Bush & co. are once again playing the US rate or taxpayer for a sucker, born anew everyday!

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