Thursday, October 16, 2008

Super Schnorrer JPM CEO Jamie Dimon says his bank doesn't need the us$25bn bailout!

We heard it from the horse's mouth, super schnorrer Jaime Dimon, ceo of JPMorgan Chase. He doesn't need a government bailout of us$25bn, after the bank reported earnings of us$2,6bn for 3q 2008. Yet, he was quick to add, but 'what's good for the system is good for JP Morgan'. Doesn't this statement stir chimes in $nostalgic minds: Charlie Wilson when he was ceo of the now much shrunken and depressed General Motors with a grand display of huberis proclaimed 'ubi et orbi', 'what's good for GM is good for the US!' Well, old darling, refuse the infusion of US rate and taxpayers money. Well, he won't. For hidden in that sea of very black ink are toxic Alt-A mortgages mainly in California which run up to us$400bn! So, little wonder, Dimon, il Duce of Finance Paulson and his sidekick bathroom attendant Bernanke look smilingly on Wall Street's fair hair boy. Did they hand him on a silver platter Bear Stearns & Washington Mutual? Dimon who believes in the free market and less or no government interference in the private sector, is no slouch when it comes to milking the public's cash cow...the US treasury. And he naively believes that the equity warrants the US government has in his bank will mean strict regulation. Well, let him dream! By accepting the government's bailout, he's let the camel into his tent, and we all know the end of that parable! Enjoy the comfort of your hubris, old Jaime Dimon! The old Greek gods are thirsty for revenge!

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