Thursday, October 16, 2008

Anal hair stylist & self styled il Duce of finance Paulson regrets! Put on Cole Porter's Miss Otis Regrets, boys!

Anal hair stylist supremo & self styled il Duce of finance & former CEO of Goldman Sachs & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson now regrets his whooper for throwing the world’s financial markets into the worst krash since the Great Depression. Well, il Signor Paulson ain’t no Miss Otis Regrets of Cole Porter. Porter at least sends her to the gallows for murder. What the anal hair stylist is economic butchery. He won’t suffer capital punishment nor live on bread and water in a prison cell. But the anal hair stylist supremo has nothing between his legs. He’s no man; he won’t take his punishment, the least being turning in his resignation. Since this incompetent fool fancies himself a Sinologist of sorts, were we in a Cultural Revolution, we would lead him around with a rope around his neck, and he wearing a dunce cap, for everyone to boo and spit on him. What this arse hole did is worth our full contempt. He’s a coward of the first water; he’s dumb; he’s incompetent, and stubborn. Let’s call for his resignation!

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