Friday, October 10, 2008

Self styled il Duce of finance Paulson is up to his old tricks! Markets tumble!

Anal hair stylist supreme & self styled il Duce of finance & former CEO of Goldman Sachs & US secretary of the Treasury sent markets down again. It’s against his ideological spaghetti backbone to do more than asking the banks to do the voluntary thing for government capital infusions and police themselves. In brief, he won’t be taking a leaf out of British prime minister Gordon Brown’s partial nationalization of banks. He’s letting the blood flow more profusely in the world financial markets. Were he to put a government leash on houses which aren’t regulated though they function as an investment banks, he wash away the black pessimism of today. Quite frankly, acting true to form il Signor Paulson is like Pavlov’s dog, ring the bell and he behaves as he was trained. 18Brumaire is not a Paulson groupie; we have always thought him incapable of doing good for the US rate and taxpayer. Like his handler Herr Bush, he looks to preserving his bloodsucking class of coupon clippers, fraudsters, & financial thugs, who bleed the body of hardworking American almost white. So the crisis will continue and as it does the closer we come to falling into the abyss of a depression which seems the curse of a Republican administration without ideas.

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