Monday, October 20, 2008

Miracle of miracles, Herr Bush wants to save 'democratic capitalism'!

To think the world has lived to see the day when Herr Bush has descended from his imperial indifference to venture forth unto his countrymen and women, to spread the gospel of 'democratic capitalism'! For 8 years he has allowed his class of bloodsuckers, croneys, coupon clippers, scalliwags of the super rich to feed off America's hardworking poor and growing army of impoverish middle classes, and thought nothing of it but to ensconce even more firmly on the levers of economic, political, and social power of the plutocracy that he favours. And now in the midst of that class' demise owing to their greed and incompetence and contempt for democracy...and to save Herr Bush's class from complete implosion, Herr Bush now is trying to bamboozle the ordinary man & woman on the street, into thinking that he was and is their frined. Ain't that something else? It certainly is. His magic won't work, but that doesn't mean Joe or Jane won't vote against his best interests. He might in this year's elections. For Herr Bush & his plutocrats ain't hurting that much, but the country is. Happily this would be tin diktator will be sent to his dude ranch in Crawford, Texas, whilst everyone else has to pick up the broken pots he is leaving behind. The man should be in gaol not in splendid, easy retirement!

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