Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Herr Bush gets green around the gills...he dumps free market snakeoil shares!

It's no use belabouring the point that Herr Bush has transgressed the sanctity of his sacrosaint belief in the free market. He had no choice. Owing to his inept handling of the economy and his lackadaiscal management style, his hands off approach to everything he doesn't touch, and his choice of a secretary of the Treasury, the anal hair stylist supremo & self styled il Duce of finance & former CEO of Goldman Sachs who is more gauche than Herr Bush, he had no other choice to concede defeat to the UK's Gordon Brown in dealing with the global krash of the world's stock exchange. He's had to embrace 'socialism' of a sort, to save the economy from his own recklessness and stupidity, whilst affirming in a brief speech to the nation [14 October 2008] that he's saved free market capitalism. That's a laugh! Il Signor Paulson has done everything to save Wall Street, parasitic finance capitalism, and his own hide. He's act in a way which tells the US rate and taxpayer, he doesn't give a rat's arse for them but the shekels they can pay the Treasury to bail out people like him who devised the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme which is the root of the current economic crisis. Yet, by pouring good money after bad into the world's banks, and re establishing a certain equilibrium in the financial markets, Herr Bush is doing nothing that ease the onerous burden that he & his gang of 40 thieves have burden the American people. Now even he agrees, the world is in a deep recession, but he cares not a wit for he's little time left in office, is a scion of wealth and ill gotten gain, and can go back to chopping wood in his 'ranch' in Crawford, Texas. Yet, he's green behind the gills, for he's turned the US into a primus inter pares which means the US' sun of power is setting, and lesser countries in Europe and Asia are there to pick eventually the banner. A pox on his house! --

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