Monday, October 6, 2008

Self stylist il Duce of Finance names a Goldman Sachs crony to oversea bank bailout!

Here we go again! In the face of a giant meltdown in financial markets, anal hair stylist supremo & self styled il Duce of finance & US secretary of the Treasury & former CEO of Goldman Sachs has named a crony Neel Kashkari lately of Goldman Sachs to oversee the us$700bn 'rescue fund' to save Milton Friedman economics from itself. Fat chance! Il Signor Paulson has proven himself incapable. He's more an ostrich hidding his head in the sand whilst exposing his the country's financial arse; he's dragged his feet trying to avoid everything his ideology says that he shouldn't do, and let the market take care of itself. Well, the old darling helped fashion and sell and profit greatly from what is globally called the 'subprime mortgage Ponzi meltdown', and which has spread like an AIDS like virus through the world's economic body. He's no real programme, for if he did, with us$700bn on hand, he would have something to spend it on. Well, he doesn't. But he does have his cronies from Goldman Sachs to appoint with plummy titles and posts. Will they buy the toxic subprime debts say at us$0,60 on the us$, will they impose discipline on the markets, when they couldn't discipline themselves nor rein in their greed? Probably not. But like all bankers of Paulson's wide yellow stripe, he prefers doing little or nothing. And the proof is in the pudding, without a plan or even a sense of direction as to what to do. The feel heeled Asia markets are now falling...boys come out with her savings to save Paulson & his foul policy. Herr Bush's now pushing Herbert Hoover out of top spot for economic failure, and now proudly wears the crown. The bar is very low for Paulson & Neel & all their rotten plutocratic friends who even now live high on the hog whilst the average rate or taxpayer is suffering and will suffer even more. What we need now, are men with ideas not the old fools and their failed programmes and hot air which have landed us and everyone else in the world in this cesspool of a giant meltdown. Were are the good fundamentals these purveyors of snakeoil have been pushing to a public dazzled by glamour and false hope?

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