Thursday, October 9, 2008

Self styled il Duce of finance fails to tame the markets!

The Persian king Darius couldn’t tame the waves; the anal hair stylist supreme & self stylist il Duce of finance & former CEO of Goldman Sachs & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson cannot tame the financial markets. Today [9 October 2009], the NYSE bled more red ink, the seventh day in a row, and the Dow Jones average fell below 8000 as it heads south towards 6000. Quixotic il Signor Paulson has tried every trick in his how to finance book of the free market to quiet the market volatility. And to no avail. His handmaiden in his efforts US Fed chief Ben Bernanke have borne no fruit after a cut in the interest rates. World markets remain jittery. The chaos in financial circles have thrown off high pedestals the mighty priests of Wall Street and the US Fed. In today’s online edition of ‘the New York Times’, a detailed article explores the handy work of Alan Greenspan who is much responsible along with Goldman’s Paulson for the mess in the market place. A year ago, this would be considered high treason no longer. Crisis saves no one’s reputation the more especially when it comes to the almighty Yankee US dollar! In the NYT and ‘Wall Street Journal’, the anxious eye sees a straight line of how il Signor Paulson and his side kick Bernanke have struck out blindly in dealing with the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme meltdown, from the fall of the house of Bear Stearns to the dumping of Lehman Brothers to the questionable rescue of AIG to…. [fill in the blanks]. It’s a sorry record of the anal hair stylist supremo’s tilting at windmills, misreading the pulse of the markets. Take his allowing Lehman to fail, and saving his old crony from Goldman John Thain of Merrill Lynch from falling flat on his face. Il Signor
Paulson did not give a second thought that Lehman was the foremost issuer of commercial paper which banks, businesses, and wealthy clients held. By bankrupting Lehman, Paulson set off the current run on the world markets. And Paulson is the man who made the house of Goldman a mighty player on Wall Street! Let’s face it, Paulson has proven unable to ‘think outside the box’. His bromides do not work! They cannot in a very ‘toxic’ market! Push come to shove, he is going to be forced to ‘nationalise’ the big bracket bank to restore confidence in the market, yet he is resisting, blinded by his own economic orthodoxy and fuzzy vision of the current crisis. 18Brumaire’s youngest grandchild who point out that this emperor is naked. He should step down. He’s no clear plan to restore confidence in the rapidly falling and deteriorating markets at home and abroad. Too long has he look up the financial arse hole, and let the real signs pass. If he had any honour, he would step down, but Paulson is not a honourable man in this sense. He’s first and foremost out to save his plutocratic class—look at his inchoate plan to rescue free market capitalism from itself! When he needed to take action six months ago he didn’t; now as the markets waiver on the border of a very serious recession, he is a blind man…and so is his class…where is the one eyed man who can lead us out of the mess Goldman Paulson & his scum created for us in devising the subprime Ponzi scheme which has proven more toxic than a hundred atom bombs! Away with this pest & his ilk!

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