Friday, October 3, 2008

John McCain concedes Michigan to Obama on 2 October 2008. Is McCain the 2008 Kerry?

US Republican party candidate for the presidency John McCain has ordered a retreat of his troops from the state of Michigan. He's conceding Michigan to his opponent Barak Obama. His dirty tricks though his Michigan surrogates had wanted to challenge voters who were in foreclosure, thereby denying them of the right to vote [read mostly blacks who favour Obama]. It didn't work, and McCain's messy tactics earned him little but diminishing returns in his hope of snatching the state's electors. Which raises the question: Is McCain following in the footsteps of John Kerry's 2004 campaign, when the senator from Massachusetts gave up states to George Bush without much of a fight, in order to carry the battle and money to another day and another state? Seems so. The economic crisis has broken the neck to neck polls with his rival Obama. The junior senator from Illinois is pulling ahead because rightly the American voters have pinned the tail of economic woes on the Republicans' elephant, and believe the Democrats are better able to deal with worries and woes and drop in living standard of theirs. So the tug boat captain's election boat has sprung a leak, and try as he might, he's not enough fingers and toes to plug the gaping holes.

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