Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wall Street forgets Main Street

Markets are in a spin but ultimately the tug of war in the houses of Congress will vote for a hastily, devised 'bailout' of finance capitalism which has ruled the roost for almost a generation. The plutocratic rule of bankers will continue no matter the reform. Look, the anal hair stylist supremo & now self styled il Signor Mussolini & US secretary of the Treasury will control the bailout for the first 3 months at least. With us$700bn or tranches thereof, he will do everything, as he is doing now, to consolidate the firm grip of those thieves which have brought free market capitalism almost to its knees. The mechanisms of saving the banks will take a leaf out of FDR's book, but the more pertinant example is the rise of national socialism which il Signor Mussolini brought to life. In Fascist Italy's example lest we forget, the banks made out like bandits, as they are doing now in freedom loving, land of the free, home of the brave US under Herr Bush. Look at the budget allocations, defence, homeland security, veterans affairs receiving the lion's share of rate or taxpayers monies, and a sop or two for Main Street, read the little guy or gal. Inchoate popular anger is there awaiting as the case will be in the US for a demogogue, not an enlightened leader. Everyone has much to fear for the renaissance of nationalism socialism!

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