Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vanity Fair and the Alkie who lives in the White House

Carter Burdon the editor of Vanity Fair has little love for George W. Bush. And that is plain to see in his Editor's letter in the magazine's December 2007 issue. He does however cite an interesting fact from former British foreign minister Lord Owen's 'Intoxication of Power'. The world may laugh at Bush's malaprops, his twisted tongue in pronouncing the simplest of words, or his pratfalls or walking into closed doors. Lord Owen offers proof that Bush is a secret drinker who despite oaths to the contrary still tipples. Saying this, we cannot excuse Bush's lies, his heartlessness towards those not in the class of the silver spoon he is born into. Bush is a reactionary up and down the line. His policies might blow up in his face but no one dares to rise up and call him that and seriously challenge his failed policies.
Those running for his post in the White House are from the same class, in spite of background. They belong to the rich and the greedy and care hardly much about the hard working poor. All do not much deserve a speck of dust in the legacy of FDR.

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