Friday, December 21, 2007

Corrupt Lee Myung bak speaks loudly

Now that Lee has won the race for the South Korean Blue House. He can talk tough through the fog of scandal which plague his name and reputation. He is a poor imitation of mini mouse Bush who is now going to talk truth to Kim Jong il. Well he's chosen a poor model to follow...blockhead Bush has had to tread much water with North Korea, and is now eating crow.
Lee has to try to cover his tracks, even though he has already owned up to the fact that he padded his company account with names of his 4 children to fatten his wallet. A committed Presbyterian he is certainly not one of the elect if we judge by his own corrupt ways. He has not the convictions of his religion to repent! So he swells up his breast to talk big to Pyongyang who is not impressed. They've dealt with 'demi sels' before and know how to handle 'toughs'.
Lee has promised a lot for the monies classes who more likely than not will not repatriate the funds they hid abroad during Kim Dae Jung's and Roh Moo hyun's presidencies. So a spike in wealth management but hardly will he be able to double household income or run up strong eocnomic growth as he promised. He's not magnus and his magician's wand, if he has one, is made of wet noodles!
Lee is born in Japan, so he will talk tough to push an agenda which will favor the wealthy, and he will talk in strident tones for his shame of not being born or real Korean soil...Someone should draw up a good psychological profile on this man who will turnout to be, more likely than not, a spoiler.

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