Friday, December 14, 2007

Bush liable for criminal pursuit

It is becoming almost a truism that the American people are getting over the culture of fear and panic which began on September 11, 2001. The 2008 elections will sweep out of office the noxious, deceitful, ultra partisan years of Bush junior. He stands a firm rock for his class, his croneys, for corruption, and incompetence, and for cheating and deceiving the American people.
He has misused power and twisted laws for his own partisan use. No wet saghetti spined law makers will move for impeachment, but with a new wind blowing across the land for change, it is worth thinking of pursuing this mini mouse without an ounce of courage for high crimes and misdemeanors. Look at Jacques Chirac he is under investigation for malfeasance after running France for 8 years and drinking too greedily at the public trough during his years as Mayor of Paris. This is how we should think of the dry drunk Bush...hold the rascals feet to the fires of the law for his misdeeds, malignant neglect in office. Pursue this rascal, never give him a moment of rest, let him feel the weight of his crimes when he was president.

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