Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Right on Chris Dodd

Senator Chris Dodd [D-Connecticut]keep Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson's feet to the fire. Paulson--Mr. Moneybags from Goldman Sach--knows how to turn a buck for his bank, but he's proven a failure in tackling the suprime mortgage cancer which his investment bank, among many others, helped create. As a firm believer in laissez-fare, laissez-aller capitalism, he believes the market, read the private sector will sort out the mess itself. Eyewash!
Paulson has dealt with China for the last 17 years. He's earned Beijing much money and it has filled Goldman Sachs' coffers with hefty fees for a job well done. But at the helm of the Treasury, Paulson has shown himself a 'naif' in dealing with the China on re evalution of the reminbi yuan, or trade, or dumping, etc. The Chinese know how to turn him around their little finger, and the mighty financier spins like a top. Chris Dodd don't let the pressure off on this turkey...keep him squaking till he does something right for the American rate payers!

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