Saturday, December 15, 2007

May Ronald Reagan and the Republican plutocrats burn in hell! The rich are getting richer, faster, much faster

Hidden in the business pages of the Grey Old Lady of the American press, 'The New York Times [15 December 2007] is an article about the US Congressional Budget Office report on increases of income among Americans. And as if it didn't come as a suprise the more wealthy household income for the period 2003 to 2005 grew at the astronomical rate of 42,6 per cent, for the TOP ONE PER CENT, for the secondquintile 3, 9 per cent, for the middle quintile 4,3 per cent, for the fourth quintile 2,7 per cent, and for the bottom quintile 1,3 per cent. If you add up the per centages for the second to bottom quintile it comes only to 11,2 per cent which is not telling us much since the sleight of hand compilers of the report figure the average growth in household income is 10,1 per cent. Go tell that to the struggling working poor or even those with a low six figure income! Let's repeat again that the top one per cent owns in the usa as much wealth as 150.000 Americans excluding the very poor and children.
The bloodsuckers and their glad elves in the Congress have stacked the deck against the American people. The sainted [sic] Ronald Reagan a lacky of the Moneybags accelerated the trend which has led to this tilt to towards the rotton elite which controls this country. The Fat Cats are raking it in faster than their calculators can turn. And the investment bankers who have given us the subprime mortgage mess which we the poor are going to have to bail out for their greed, stupidity, inefficiency, and blindness to the health of the American commonweal could gave a tinker's damn.
Ask any ordinary guy or gal on the street, he or she knows the score but he or she will shrug shoulders as if to say 'what can be do? this is the way of the world, and it ain't fair'. No it ain't, but there's a long history of social protest which says that these bloodsuckers can always get away with it. Where is the muckraking press? Cowed to the chains of oligarchies. The unions? Weakened. And political parties? They are hand in glove with the greedy plunders of the poor.
Let's begin to organise, let's revive the social protest movements...where are the good Protestant social protesters of 125 years ago? where are the democratic Socialist movement? where are the popularists who would spit in the eye of Big Capital without shame? It is time the worthy descendants of these protest movements and oh even the much damned Communists come to the fore and organise and put these plutocrats feet to the fire.

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