Friday, December 14, 2007

America's National Pastime--Baseball a house of shame

The Mitchell enquiry has unfettered the truth which everyone has known but few have been willing to acknowledge. The widespread use of steroids in sports. And in this case baseball. Barry Bonds name comes to mine, but did the haloed Roger Clements who in his 40's had the power and grace of a player half his age? Hardly. Now voices are raised about racism, about the inability of those accused to confront their accusers, so on and on. This is eyewash! The Feds have got the goods on locker room attendants who supplied say the Steinbrenner troopers with steriods. They have followed the money, and cheques they have. So the large net of shame has caught some say 900 names big and small in baseball. The scandal is so widespread, it is going to be hard to sweep the dirt under the lumpy carpet. Many have lied under oath, so they are liable to criminal pursuit. The Yankees are hard hit, and the miracle team has not done so well in the last few seasons, so one has to wonder that the world series that they won had something to do with steroids and trickery. Will the feats of these atheletes be erased from the record books? Will the users of steroids--those unsightly giants of sagging flesh--be indicted and shamed and bear the brand of the mighty Casey who struck out at Mudville? That remains to be seen!
Will there be strick laws with strong sanctions for steroid use? We the fans have been robbed, and will be demand justice and reform?

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