Friday, December 14, 2007

Another comment on Hank Paulson

There is one of those photo ops in today's world press: Paulson and Hu surrounded by their henchmen and women sitting in deep, plush chairs in Beijing. Paulson has once again worked out some puny, weak tea deal with China, a country which has made him a wealthy man. As an investment banker and ceo of Goldman Sachs, he worked slavishly for China, but as US secretary of Treasury, he has not defended the American public against China's dirty pool in doing business.
Seated near Hu is Wu Yi the fiery goddess of China's national interests. She has never lost an opportunity to hector poor Hank Paulson, who continues pursuing a don't rock the boat with Beijing.
China has much to lose with strong American representation, but so do the financial snake oil salesmen from Wall Street. So here we have again high American officials defending Moneybags and coupon clippers whilst domestically they bleed Americans with high mortgage, questional financial instruments to pick the pockets of the poor, rally against universal medical assurance, aid to the poor, and a whole bevy of policies which have shifted the tax burden onto the shoulders of those who grunt under the burden of being able to pay. It is time to call for change; to march; to organise; to throw the rascals out, and put into Congress men and women of principle not so beholden to the lobbies and the cartels of power, who will regulate these believers of enriching themselves through an unfettered market and damn the American people. It is time to shame them, throw them in prison for questionable practices, put their feet to the fire of public wrath and knock them off their high hobby horses of power.

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