Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Harvard's Welfare for the Rich

Harvard University has announced a 50 per cent increase in tuition for the 2009 school year. The bill for 4 years rings up to us$180.000 per annum. But to help defray the cost for students whose family yearly earnings register in the 6 figure category, Harvard will offer relief. Harvard has a multi billion dollar endowment fund, so the pittance doled out for the scions of the rich are but crumbs from its table. The plan to defray costs for the rich has a devil's logic to it: more likely than not the entering students are sons and daughters of the university's alumni. These rich kids come from families which are almost at the apex of America's narrowing class structure. Let's do some math here! Less than 1 per cent of America's wealthy own as much as 150.000 Americans!
By subsidising the students from a high income ceiling, Harvard will continue to train the canon fodder for America's ruling classes, in government, the professions, business, and in the field of high educations. It will continue producing the chattering classes which will serve the needs and interests of capital.
Harvard's good intentions simply strip naked to the public eye that the American dream as we know it is deader than a door nail. The shift in tax structure which accelerated during the reign of the sainted Ronald Reagan has hit the higher income earners, and they, too, are straining shouldering the burdens which the very rich and super rich refuse to bear.
In an age of crony capitalism, of the excesses of the glitterati, of the trash that greedily neglects this country's basic needs for an endless ego trip, the United States has entered into its own twilight. The puny measures that Harvard is offering as relief for turning out future generations of valets, maids, and the whole panoply of the downstairs servants for the very rich is preparing the way for great change. When? Where? And how? remains to be seen.
None of the candidates for 2008 have the backbone nor the gumption to meet the pressing needs of the working poor and underclasses head on. They've not plan but the same old, same old...and the world be damned!

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