Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The subprime shoe pinches, the bankers cry!

The Fed has finally woken up to the seemingly never ending subprime mess. Bernanke the charwoman of the financial community is coming to the realisation that the investment bankers and mortgage lenders have committed fraud by bilking the people with extremely weak credit. Bernanke like the toilet bowl cleaner of the bankers Alan Greenspan was not overly concerned about the bursting of the housing bubble, nor about the scam the ponzi scheme of cdo's that the investment banking industry was hawking. Now as the Fed has to dig deeper and deeper into the public pockets to bail out these financial bloodsuckers, Bernanke is forced to see redress through regulating the bankers and mortgage lenders who have gotten away with murder. These robber barons of high finance fought against regulation, believing in that old saw that the market reigns supreme, that it can regulate itself, and old man trouble in the marketplace will go away. Bernanke and that criminal Greenspan who is a groupie for the snake oil Ayn Rand was selling thought the same. Now that it looks as though the country is on the cusp of recession, that multi million Americans are going to be thrown out of house and home, that the big cats of finance are bleeding badly, and in a word, that the pillars of the temple of capitalism are shaking, Bernanke is trying to do something, to restore trust in a system which has failed the American people who struggle daily to make ends meet. Again we see the wealthy mafia who run this country can not a whit about anything but the interests of their class. It is only when those very interests are threatened that their lackeys act to save them. Any benefits of the rescue of Moneybags & co. that helps the hard working Americans
are incidental. When will the poor and the disinherited wake up and demand what's do them. When will justice throw these bums of high finance and their charwomen and toilet cleaners be hauled before the bar, found guilty and throw in the slammer?

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