Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bush sent a letter to Kim Jong-il

A brief mention announced on the BBC today 06 December 2007. The North Korean news agency reported that US president George Bush has sent a letter to chairman Kim Jong-il without further details.
My how the mighty Mini Mouse in the White House has been humbled! Is the Macho man in the White House soliciting an invitation to visit Pyongyang? Where have the thunderbolts and high from the pulpit condemnations of North Korea as an axis of evil state gone? In the dustbin, it goes without saying.
Bush is trying to salvage his reputation from the maws of history. He's desperate and will go to great lengths in the last year of his presidency to twist and turn and tie himself into knots...he's trying to snatch from the jaws of utter, complete defeat a tarnished reputation.
He can stamp his foot like Rumplestilskin but like that little villain he has already got it stuck in the floor and cannot do much about that. Bush is not a profile in courage!

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