Monday, December 10, 2007

Paulson the Schlemiel and Barney Frank the working class' hero

18Brumaire suggests reading Paul Krugman's 10 December 2007 op ed piece in the 'New York Times'.
It reveals man's complete identification with his monied class and the willingness to let the banks have a free ride of sorts and the poor homeowners with bad mortgages to suffer the pain whilst taxes of theirs pays his salary and lifestyle.
Krugman talks alas too briefly of Representative Barney Frank's bill to bring relief to victims of the subprime scam. Frank is a blue collar guy with a Harvard degree who is a champion of the ordinary Joe and Jane. He needs support and let the electorate bombard the White House, Paulson, and Congress demanding debt relief for the little men and women and not the MoneyBags who like Paulson devised schemes to bilk the public and live high on the hog

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