Friday, December 7, 2007

Bush, MBIA, the Dow, & the Free Marketeers

Well what a difference a few words from George Bush can do for the Dow. His puny, weak-tea measures for dealing with the subprime mess can at best bring some relief to less than 8 per cent of the so-far 2 million homeowners who are on the verge of losing homes. The MBIA, the mortgage industry association and lobby, report that since September 2007 the number of defaults have risen dramatically. As for the big investment houses who in 2006, the 'New York Times' chart so kindly informs us, wrote almost a half-billion in the vegetable soup of subprime paper, and then farmed out in small parcels throughout the world to feed the greedy habit of banks for up to a 30 per cent return on investment, well they're in the soup for it is estimated a half-trillion in write downs. These pooh bahs of high finance who preach the virtues of the free market look for aid and succor to the government, the big bad wolf of regulation, for a bailout. Although Bush delivers his austere Protestant warning of the buyer beware, he has no choice but to help his class, for if they fail the world according to them will collapse. So like a little boy who cut his finger these free marketeers like Bush himself, run to Mother Government which according to the sainted Ronald Reagan, the annointed of the monied classes, who is the problem, for help. And help they will get whilst us poor ratepayers will pull our belts tighter to allow these vultures of money to go about by their leave.
Could the American public but awake up from the disspiritedness and hopelessness and the bread & circuses Bush & co. have bred, and stiffen the collective bankbone of their, that would set these bloodsuckers on their toes and they would rush to do something to placate it and bring them relief. For after all the government is us, and we've a right to say our piece and not leave it to the millionaires in Congress, the powerful lobbies of industries to bleed us whiter than whiter. Wake up America, put muscle into your wrath, organise, and flex your muscles and make the carrion of the money caste cringe and fork over your just rewards!

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