Friday, February 8, 2008

Wrapped in Old Glory Romney falls on his own sword

In a scene worthy of Corneille, Wilbert 'Mitt' Romney, wrapping himself in the Stars and Stripes, has suspended his run for the White House on the Republican ticket for the good of the country and from fear that either Hillary or Obama who beat a hasty retreat from our war in Iraq. And thus in grand tones and cheap dramatic effect, Romney fell on his sword, withdrawing his run for his party's nominee for presidency. It was a scene of flea bag theatrics. Romney as we all know is a pettifogger; there is nothing so low that he won't stoop to to win. He flip flops, he waffles, he'd even sell his arse for the presidency. And he lost in his bid. A bid which cost him dearly, for he had to dig deep into his multi millionaire pockets to fund his own campaign, which he undoubtedly write off thereby putting the burden on the American rate or taxpayer! He is no Brutus elogising a fallen Caesar; he is Moliere's Tartuffe. And in the grand crescendo of his peroration, he has put his country first in time of war, to clear the Republican field for McCain's
triumph. Let's look closer at this summer soldier's lament. He feels for our guys and gals fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan so much that he is willing to sacrifice safely and at great distance his own personal ambitions. And yet, he has 5 healthy, strapping sons who remain safely under his protective wing. Let's not forget that when asked early in his run for the Republican nomination, by a reporter as to why none of his sons had donned the military khaki, picked up the rifle to defend America from terrorists, he cynically quipped that they were fighting for their country by trying to have him elected president! Ain't that a kick in the head. That says more about this hypocrite who is ringing the tocsin again and again and again that he is dropping out of the campaign so that we can be better ready, able, and alert for the next ben Ladin attack on the US. Oy vey! What brackish blige! What smoke and blue mirrors! It all goes to show you that America in its decline is in the age of the demogogues! Lord help us all! And good riddance to this piece of bad rubbage!

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