Friday, February 29, 2008

Israel's wages a holocaust..a shoah against Hamas

A few years ago the UN abrogated a vote which it had passed in the General Assembly equating Zionism with racism. This rankled Israel's overlord the US as much as it unsettled Israeli's and Jews in the Diaspora, claiming as they do special privilege as a people almost exterminated by the Nazis.
Today can Tel Aviv under Olmert proffer such a claim? Can Israel under Olmert wear the badge of sorrow and the sanctity and the exceptionalism that the Holocaust confers on Israelis? How can Olmert seriously remind the world of Jewish suffering in the 20 century when he himself boldly announces a holocaust or ha shoah against Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza? Sorry to say, he cannot, for he is the heir and willing descendent of the logic of Zionism which is racialist to the core. Olmert and his Kadima party are the fruit of right wing Zionism which claims a land which was 'empty before the yishuv or the implantation of Jewish settlers at the turn of the 20 century. No one is fooled by the very misused biblical analogy that Israel is a young David, unarmed but walking in the glory of god, facing a heavily armed Goliath Arab. That doesn't fare well. Israel is the Goliath in today's Middle East, armed to the teeth and possessor of hundreds of nuclear weapons; it's an aggressive and expansive state, funded and backed by Washington. It is turning Palestine or the Samaria and Judea as Israeli love to call it into bantustans, hardly viable but enfueodated to the Israeli army and subject to its dranconian will. It's murderous policy towards Hamas, which, by the by it funded heavily as a foil to the then much hated Yasir Arafat, dared to not recognise the Zionist state and dared to riposte against Israeli agression against Gaza. We shouldn't forget the blowing up of the Zionist wall, a Warsaw ghetto like tactic which had but one aim to enslave and to starve the people of Gaza. It didn't work. Olmert and even the wolf in sheep's clothing the soft spoken Shimoun Peres believe in the Zionist ideology of if not driving Palestinians off the land to enslave them in a 21 century way that has an echo of the bondage the Hebrews bore in Pharoah's Egypt. Hamas, and to its credit has much in common with Judah Maccabee for its fierce and daring resistance to a racist state with imperial pretension and the unwaving support of US taxpayers monies. Yes, read Jabotinsky, yes read even Herzl...Israel is a rabid racist state that has run amok!

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