Saturday, February 16, 2008

Alms for the love of America's poor

It doesn't much imagination to say that the years of Herr Bush in the White House have brought more and more hardship to America's hardworking poor and made more and more shakier the pins on which keep its middle classes from slipping down the class hierachy! Aid and some comfort are coming and from the Third World. Venezuela's Chavez the man mini mouse Bush loves to hate owns Citigo which sells oil & gas in the US. Anyone who is not blind nor deaf and is semi literature can find some ad in the media extolling Citigo's programme for delivery gas to America's poor at rate they can afford in these times of hugh price gouging by Big Oil & Gas. Go to the barrios and the ghettos and the slums in the Bronx, for example, to verify what 18Brumaire is saying. Read back issues of that old grey lady of American jouralism 'The New York Times' which have written long articles in the Metro pullout about Citigo's energy relief to New York City's poor and downtrodden. Thanks to Chavez homes are heated in winter at reduced rates which would and should put the so called public utilities to shame for the high rates they are charging! And now microeconomics has come to the US in the form of Grammen Bank whose founder Muhammad Yunnus, winner of the Nobel prize in Economics. Yunnus is from Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world. There he lent money to poor women turning them into entrepreneurs, thereby pulling them out of base poverty. Now, he's on a mission to help America's poor victims of the Ponzi schemes and the endless 'faux frais' America's big banks are ripping off customers. He sees an opportunity to help the richest country in the world, the US' poor to seize a lifeline and begin slowly but surely to deal with crushing debt that the subprime cancer and a tax system which dumps on their shoulders and drains purses of money so that the rich bloodsuckers can live high off the hog. Grameen has begun lending in New York for here is a city of immigrants with a thurst to succeed. It intends to lend at first some us$176m, a modest sum, comparied to the billions the big banks have lifted from our pockets with the greatest of ease and from laws they bribed lawmakers with gifts or threats to pass in their favour. The small amount notwithstanding, Gameen's entry into the financial fray should be a warning to the Big Boys in banking that change is in the air and borrowers will go to this lender willing to shepard them to financial discipline and with a track record of success.
It speaks badly for Herr Bush...or does it? He who doesn't give a rat's buggery about anyone or anything but his own selfish class interests that he is incapable and how! of governing for the people who like it or not, have been saddled with his incompetence, corruption, croneyism, and giant rip off for the last 8 year. Jackarse Bush thinks history will judge him more kindly than some do today, but will his god who speaks to him daily? Doubt it!

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