Thursday, February 7, 2008

A word or two on McCain, Huckabee, and Romney

It's doesn't a rocket scientist to see that underneath the soft spoken words of John McCain, he's a hawk. He has no ideas about how to rescue the economy from the disaster that Herr Bush is leaving us with, nor how to jaw, jaw, jaw, since he is of the war, war, war party. Huckabee is folksy but has eccentric ideas on taxes and the economy. He has the touch of a popularist snake oil salesman and as an evangelical Christian who lets his warts hang out for all to see since it is in the nature of his belief that no matter how often he strays from the righteous path his saviour will forgive and redeem him and Huckabee strumming not on a lyre but a banjo will be reborn. Romney is Mr. Corporate raider himself. He will flip flop, twist himself into a pretzl to get elected. He is bereft of ideas but sees merit in continuing Bushonomics and the war and the assault of America's ideals and liberties.

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