Monday, February 4, 2008

Uncensored history of the 9/11 commission

The publishers Twelve have put out Philip Shenon's 'The Commission', the uncensored history of the 9/11 Commission. Shenon the New York Times man in Washington has done his homework well. The book makes for fascinating reading. It describes the bumbling team which surrounds an incomptent president Bush. It does not make for happy reading. How could it? The Commission found no one guilty for the tragedy of 9/11. The fault lay in the system or in the stars, dear Brutus! Yet Shenon pins the tail of ineptitude and ignorance and 'je m'en foutisme' or who gives a flying rat's f--k on the tail of the arch arse kisser Condy Rice, the careerist George Tente, and the singing attorney general Ashcroft, among others. It's enough to make one sick that such people run this country. It is to Shenon's credit that he could and did write this book. And it is 18Brumaire's hope that it will be widely read for the lessons that it teaches!

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