Saturday, February 9, 2008

The archbishop of Canterbury's aberrant ideas

Rowan Williams the current archbishop of Canterbury is proof postive of the saying, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'. Inspired by god knows what paraclete he proclaimed 'ubi et orbi' in a vision of the unwise that sha'ariahlaw be introduced as a supplement to English law. In utterly this judgment he betrays his absolute ignorance about Islam and the meaning of sha'ariah. It's a good idea, methinks says he, in playing to the stalls of muslim public opinion in Great Britain the more especially since its youth and old men wear Britishness uncomfortably, and find an outlet for fustration in radical, political Islam. What does he know about Islam? or about Sha'ariah? Absolutely nothing. His hope is vain and deluded and self indulgent. Had he not read up on the awful horror of the Aghani under the rule of the Taliban and its straight jacket application of Sha'ariah? Or the beheadings and throat slitting or the stoning to death of adultress or the bullet in the head for openness that the FIS or now the Salifist Taliban in northern Africa carry out? Not! His eminence seems or seemed determined to circle over the carrion of Sha'ariah's victims.
His conceit and that is what his words are in the conceit and brackish tones of the condescending have raised a firestorm of protest. As it ought to and should be!
Archbishop Williams has enough trouble on his plate among the fractious parties in his own Anglician communion worldwide. Instead of healing divisions within his own choir, he bolding ventures in feudalism and the medieval territory of Islam and Sha'ariah. No one has told this bearded prophet to mind his own business nor to shut up on matters that he knows nothing or little about. But this false prophet of multiculturalism and fake interconfessional harmony offers up a meal of rotting ignorance and false solutions for a crisis within today's Britain. The successor in a long line of archbishops from the sainted Thomas a Beckett down till Williams...this man should offer an apology, don burlap and ashes and go through the streets of England, Scotland, Wales, and northern Ireland, beating his breast and begging for forgiveness for the harm he wishes upon women, the infirm, men by calling for the recognition of parallel systems of religious law in a secular state. He should read Voltaire's 'Philosophical Letters' to learn something about his own country!

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