Monday, February 11, 2008

Republican election plan

Although it's the economy, stupid!, polls tell us, the Republican attack strategy for the upcoming run for the White House, is spread over headlines and radio and television sound bytes. 9/11 is being served up again by an administration which did heed warnings, we have learnt, of a terrorist attack on American soil. Suddenly almost 7 years after the tragedy at the WTO and the Pentagon and the downed plane in Pennsylvania, Americans and the world are going to be treated to a show trial by the good offices of the Pentagon in Guantanemo. You've have to scratch your head hard to wonder why Herr Bush didn't go after Osama bin Laden or cosied up to Pervez Mushareff whose very military offered aid and comfort to bin Laden and mullah Omar and the dregs of the defeated Taliban and in whose northwest frontier offered training to future Islamic fundamentalists. Now suddenly a trial...and a show trial..shades of Breaker Morant! The outcome is a foregone conclusion...execution based on testimony extracted by the fine art of America's torture chambers. The accused may very well be guilty, but we offer them no rights but the right to jury by officers and gentlemen and without protection of constitutional rights which Herr Bush has flouted and bashed and thrown on to the trash heap.
Mini mouse Bush has written the script should Barak Obama be the Democratic candidate for the presidency. It is a replay of the LBJ/Goldwater 196 campaign but this time the roles are reversed. The junior senator from Illinois is either soft on terrorism -- isn't he willing to go shake hands with the devil himself Mohmoud Ahmedinejad? or he's crazy enough to unleash a nuclear war by nuking Al Queda strongholds in northern Pakistan. And this from a party whose president has sent a gentle letter to Kim Jong il whom he qualified as 'evil'? Hypocrisy knows no name but the Republicans have taken out from the closet drums of panic and hysteria to bring us 4 more years of woe but for the rotten class of the rich and super rich who have benefitted from their years in office and for open the public coffers serve but one purpose to enrich them further or to rescue them from their incompetence as captains of industry.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the US is weakening as a world power and others are waiting in the wings to take its place. A Republic victory in the November elections will tear asunder the rents in the US' consensus and rape the ordinary rate or taxpayer. We cannot say that we were not forewarned!

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