Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Syria's nuclear power plant

Lord bless Seymour Hersh. In his 'A strike in the dark' in the current double issue of 'The New Yorker' [11 & 18 February 2008], he debunks the crude propaganda Tel Aviv and Washington put out about Syria's building a nuclear power installation, and with the assistance of those naughty North Koreans. On 6 September 2007, let's recall, Israeli jets penetrated Syrians airspace and flew deep into the country to bomb a military installation that Tel Aviv and Washington claimed was the site of a nuclear reactor. The story made headlines but did not fly well, for no one, judging by Israel's failed war against Hizbullah in Lebanon, and Bush's trumped up war in Iraq bought it. Nonetheless the story was broadcast worldwide and had the effect of 'where's there's smoke, there's fire'. Well Hersch has definitely put tonnes of water on these smouldering embers of rumours and half truths and downright lies. Syria wasn't building a nuclear reactor. And that's that. The object all sublime of the Israeli menacing raid was not Damascus but Teheran. Iran is the last country to tremble at Israeli and Bushite bluster. Short of staring a nuclear war in the Middle East, Tel Aviv and Washington can do nothing but issues threats and pound a shoe like Khrushev on the UN table. Olmert and Bush may shudder in self rightteous anger but since Washington's own Defence Department's report saying that Iran had not continued a nuclear bomb programme 5 years ago, Bush had his own pins knocked out from under him, and the only thing left to this blockhead was fulmination and petuluant, peurile foot stamping. Teheran knows how to tweak the bull elephant's tail in Tel challenges 'Ha Shoah' which it knows did happen, but to deny it sends the Jewish state into a range and treats Israel in the same manner it treats the Palestinians. And Israel can do nothing. Seymour Hersh has put another nail in the Israeli American coffin of lies and war like posturing. And a good thing that is!

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