Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scott McClellan kisses & tells

Scott McClellan came to Washington as Herr Bush's press secretary, a post he ably handled when Herr Bush was governour of Texas. His boyish, friendly smile graced television screens as he became at press conferences the spokesman for Herr Bush. He left the White House in 2006 after 3 years of services. Now he telling all or almost all in his memoir 'What happened: inside the Bush White House & Washington's culture of deception'. A blogger had an advanced copy, and now the news of this kiss & tell book is making the rounds globally. McClellan writes at times with a vitriolic pen and confirms what everyone has suspected about Herr Bush & his henchman. Herr Bush doesn't come off well, it goes without saying. Narcissitic [sic] and self indulgent, he lives within the world of his own fantasy. In this he was ably handled by Karl Rove who so far has escaped any criminal liability for his deceit and dirty tricks. Herr Bush set out to deceive and deceive he did. Look at the failed war in Iraq if you need any proof. Go read the book when it comes hot off the presses in a week!
McClellan is also hard on the Washington press corps who like sheep time and time again were led to Herr Bush's abbatoir of lies, swallowed them whole, and were a willing handmaiden to Herr Bush's lies, high crimes, & misdemeanours. If you want another example of the press' easy pass, go out and read 'Why the press love John McCain'.

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