Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Herr Bush on Memorial day 2008

Herr Bush is so universally disliked in the US, he can only speak before an audience which is duty bound to listen to him. On Memorial day 2008 he spoke as he usually does to the military. He waxed with false tears of the deeds of the fallen, of the bravery of the dead and living fighting in Iraq, a war he lied his country into. His cow of a wife had the gall to say, Herr Bush suffers terribly at the loss of American lives...he who was a summer soldier in the Texas National Guard during the war in Vietnam so he could escape combat; he spent his time drunk and rumour has it spaced out on smack and awol...he was a congressman's son after all! And Herr Bush to show the price he is paying for the dead in battle has given up golf! And the next minute you see him on a golf course. The irony is bitting and enough to make you to vomit green. Herr Bush deserves to be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors and serve a long prison time till he expires for his dark deeds, among which is the shredding of the US constitution!

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