Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here we go again--Michael Gordon, the New York Times, and leaks to the press about Iran

Here we go again. Yesterday [5 May 2008] the grey old lady the well respected New York Times printed an article by Michael Gordon with unsubstantiated rumours about Teheran training Shia guerrillas to fight in Iraq. Well as we all know but hardly the publisher, chief editors at the Times seem to forget or not to care that Michael Gorden along with the disgraced Judith Miller published article after article about weapons of mass destruction and beat the war drums for the war that Herr Bush cooked up for Iraq. Now, Gordon is doing the same for the much talked about bombing of Iran by the US. Does the Times need this Pentagon Trojan Horse on its payroll. It seems so. It has cut him much slack and permits him to print rumours to feed Herr Bush's meglamaniac designs on Iran. It ain't for nothing that the very day Gordon's article appeared that old walrus of extremes John Bolton appeared on Fox News to issue a warning against Iran and threaten its destruction. Which the twit of a reporter signed off by saying with a very good suggestion, Ambassador Bolton.

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