Monday, May 12, 2008

A new Karl Rove?

A new Karl Rove? Don't count on it. It does show that criminality and low standards are the meat and potatoes of today's American journalism. The august New York Times has an article on this archvillain of Herr Bush's White House, long implicated in Palmegate, who goes unchallenged in crime and punishment. He will turn up as a commentator and advisor to candidates, Republican or Democrat, in print or on the air waves, and a mentor in dirty tricks. He's no one's friend but his own. Yet in the American scheme of things, villains and failures get an easy pass. Why do you think disgraced politicans like Douglas Feith, convicted felon that he is, is now an esteemed [sic] professor at Georgetown University, for example? And now villain Rove who has a column in Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal will spew his mischief on FoxTV which is having financial trouble. Rove's new career is a case for arguing that the state of journalism in America has fallen even lower when you might think that it had already hit bottom. Don't count on it! We've not reporting but gossip and glamour and titillation in non news scandal. It is a sign of the depth of this country's decadence and further proof of dumbing down. American political illiteracy is legendary even in this scoundrel times of Herr Bush's reign. Some say that the American people know the score, it is simply necessary to allow them to connect the dots so that they can draw the right conclusions. Maybe, yes. Maybe, no. But with the bleating voice of a Karl Rove don't count on it. He's the magician in Thomas Mann's Mario & the magician, awaiting to be exposed, shamed, and driven from the public's eye.

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