Friday, May 16, 2008

Herr Bush stirs old Munich chestnuts again

Peorating before his Israeli clients who threw palms before his feet as though he were the prince of peace coming to Jerusalem, Herr Bush fulminated against those in the US [running for the presidency] who wish to sit down with terrorists and talk and might resolve peacefully conflicts. That was too much for Tomahawk war president Herr Bush. Like his neo con followers, he brings up Munich which gave away Czehoslovakia piecemal to Hilter and thus launched the world on to the second world war. The analogy is false the more especially since it doesn't apply. But in Herr Bush's sick mind it does, and his war in Iraq is the result of misreading of history. Herr Bush may admire Churchill but he ignores the grand old blimp of UK history who thought jaw, jaw, jaw was better than war, war, war. Herr Bush simply reverses this advice and advocates war, war, this sense, his denunciations of Obama for that was whom he was criticising not so obliquely strike the right chord in the perpetual warfare state which is Israel, America's client state and Trojan horse in the Middle East. Obama has struck a sensitive nerve. His suggestions that as president he would talk with the very people that Herr Bush is threatening with invasion...viz. Iran...seems words of utmost sanity and commonsense. Herr Bush is a blockhead; his sense of history is off; he's deaf and dumb to history...yet he does respond to force...look how he caved in to North Korea who detonated an a bomb to show Herr Bush that he is the paper tiger that he really is. January is not too so the sweep this terrorist from power!

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