Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tub boat admiral McCain on race and education

Tub boat admiral McCain is toot tooting his tub boat in his bathtub. He has enhanced his rival for the US presidency Barak Obama's image more than he can imagine. Now, he says, Obama is playing the race card; it's the pot calling the kettle black [pun intended!]. McCain and his handlers have put race on the front burner from the start, fearing rightly running on the abominable record Herr Bush is leaving, he will lose the race to the Oval office. And now before the Urban League, he's accusing Obama of not only being an elitist but out of step with blacks because Obama's two daughters are going to private school. Translation, blacks have no reason to go to elite private schools to which McCain has sent his own white children, because blacks belong in failing public schools. Now who's being elitist and racist? McCain is a man of privilege, and he threw away his first wife, to bed and wed a rich lady who owns an Anheuser Busch bottling franchise which ImBev is going to pay big bucks for when they buy that company. The supine press fails to mention how nasty McCain's campaign is from the word go; he's a darling of the press. Why? That's the question. And let's face it the ruling classes simply don't want a black as president; as valets and waiters at the White House or the halls of Congress, yes, but a black man with a fine education, ideas, and a vision which is broader and more inclusive that US Corp which rules the country and buys feckless members of the government, never! Well wake up and smell the wind of change McCain & co. They've, and that's why they slinging mud early and running scared like a pack of rabbits before the hounds of change.

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