Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim's spectacular re entry in to Malaysian politics

Anwar's party the Keadilan [People's Justice] party is claiming a landslide victory for its candidate Anwar Ibrahim in yesterday's bi election in the Permatang Pauh constituancy of Pengag, a state in last March's election broke the chokehold of the 50 year rule of the UNMO & its allies there. Some may scoff, saying he was a shoo in replacing his wife who stepped down in his favour. Maybe. It's highly significant that against high winds and tides of UNMO's opposition Anwar has made his grand entry in Malaysia's political realm after prison and undue and unjust punishment for opposing former prime minister Mahatir Mohammed & his gang of 40 thieves. It is not an exaggeration to say that Anwar's election is a earthquake to UNMO's rule for Anwar hopes to by vote withdraw the parliament's confidence in prime minister Abdullah Badawi's government. He may very like do just that. Malaysia is on the cusp of great political change.

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