Thursday, August 21, 2008

Herr Bush is itching for a fight with Russia

Herr Bush is peppering his windbag speeches with warnings to Russia. He talks big but as we all know anything he touches turns to dust. Look at Iraq! at Afghanistan! at Pakistan! at Spain! and of course, he's not been able to come to an agreement with North Korea. Herr Bush is the Typhoid Mary of today's US. He pollutes, infects. Russia has called his bluff. It is breaking off contact with Europe's NATO members, and believe us when we say that if things continue to go from bad to worse with Herr Bush, Europe is going to spend a cold winter, dependent as it is on Russia's gas and oil. As for Herr Bush, among other things his country will rue the day over, is beginning a new Cold War. This time the Iron Curtin has fallen as a result of Herr Bush's stupidity. His forward policy in the Caucusus by feeding the sugar plum visions of Mikheil Saakashavili, is dangerous, and a not so subtle challenge to Russia. Gorbachev even told him so! But Herr Bush has a mind of granite, so nothing enters it. Russia is playing with a strong hand, Herr Bush is not. Russia is as powerfully armed as the US. It can act faster than Herr Bush's slow brain so it has the edge. It would be an insult to Richard Wagner, but let us say this, Herr Bush is playing with fire that could set ablaze his Valhalla.

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