Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How stupid can Herr Bush be in dealing with North Korea?

The answer is written as plain as the nose on your face. Herr Bush has learnt absolutely nothing in negotiating with Pyongyang. Now since he's using a stick to hit Kim Jong il over the head for not living up to agreements, thereby reneging on Herr Bush's word to drop North Korea from the terrorist nation list and waiving restrictions on trading with the enemy act, Pyongyang has stopped disabiling its nuclear facilities at Yongbang. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Herr Bush may feel that he can put the hard squeeze on North Korea to yield something that he could never get with reciprocity; Herr Bush may feel that since his buddy in South Korea the dense president Lee Myung bak is in his corner and paying Kim Jong il with contempt and suspending aid, he can sally forth with tried and failed moves against Pyongyang. He cannot. And if any reader wants to read about this sorry tragic tack of Herr Bush, do go read Mike Chinoy's very well documented and fascinating read 'Meltdown'. Herr Bush should read it; it would tell him a thing or two of how to approach North Korea. Well, it's an offer, Herr Bush will and does refuse, and the proof is in the pudding of his failure to help denuclearise the divided Korean peninsula. Like the Bourbons of yore, Herr Bush has learnt nothing and forgot everything. And although we're not back to square one we very well might be as North Korea begins ramping up its nuclear site. So much for Herr Bush's cleverness by half!

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