Thursday, June 19, 2008

China cracks down on Tibet

Natural disasters, floods, and loss of life have not stopped China from its appointed rounds of repression in Tibet. Resistance by Tibetans to China's more than a half century of harsh rule in Tibet, has torn off Beijing's benign mask of the mother's little helper in Sinocising Ts ibetans and bringing them willy nilly into the 20 and 21 centuries. Tibetan protest have exposed Beijing for what is, and what it is is a brutal dictatorship. China didn't welcome the world exposure to its imperial designs on Tibet, the more especially since it was primping itself as a Miss Goodie To Shoes hosting the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. The Chinese Communist Party may very well be the darling of investment bankers, private equity investment, runaway shops, and the glee of free marketeers for its seemingly embracing Milton Friedman and advancing on the road to capitalism, but it's the proverbial leopard who by nature cannot change its spots. Still, world opinion should hold Beijing's feet to the fire for human rights violations, but also cultural genocide as it wishes to tear out root and branch Tibetan life and culture and attachment to Buddhism.

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