Thursday, June 19, 2008

Asia Society buys a full page ad in the 'New York Times' to welcome vice minister Wang Qishang to New York

Herr Bush's anal hair stylist supremo and US secretary of the treasury is turning on the charm to extract open market concessions from China. China's special representative to the strategic US China economic dialogue has come to New York, and thus the full page ad in today's 'New York Times' [NYT] by the Asia Society and Japonica which costs more than a cool US$70.000. In fact, the 19 June issue of the NYT's article on the dialogue held in Washington is misleading. US and China agreed to ease foreign investment [financial section online], but anal hair stylist came away from the table with expressions of studying the questions which in plain, standard English translates into it is not going anywhere. Herr Bush minion Paulson poresa the schmaltz on Wang's visit, for the Asia Society will do moment is not fooled; he will got venture from his script to wow American business leaders and Asia hands, but when you look at the bottom line, he won't give anything but words in return for Herr Bush's concessions. Paulson is a fool; Wang recognises this, so he will play him like a two string Chinese fiddle, and dumb ly like little Jack Corner he will be satisfied with a plumb for being such a stupid boy wet behind the ears.
re than welcome him to New York with a full page ad. But wily old fox Wang is not for one second fooled by this fanfare. He will smile, make a speech for American business leaders to smile at and digest with lumps, but won't digress from China's plans to get as much out of Herr Bush without giving up a millemetre.

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